Right distal finger lost with bone exposed. deep laceration wound extending from Thenar(thumb area) muscle to the back

Earlier today, a 13 year old boy, right handed, suffered right index finger lost and surrounding explosion injury secondary to playing a kind of fire crackers 'Air Bomb'.

Currently, the natives in Sarawak, Malaysia is celebrating their
Gawai Day, a religious as well as cultural festive. It is a celebration of harvest of their field on 1st June every year.

However, celebrating Gawai Day a little bit earlier, a 13 years old boy decided to play a home-made fire crackers, "Air Bomb" this morning and accidentally blew his right hand.

According to the family members, the boy was slow in tossing the 'Air Bomb', thus causing him to suffer his right index finger lost.

Right thumb was injured badly, with right distal phalanges clearly seen.

This young boy was then rushed to nearest tertiary hospital for further management.

