Water Mountains Water Is Best

The function of the body of water that is so vital, we must make carefully select the drinking water for consumption. We recommend that you select the water that comes from good sources, such as mountain water.

Everyone knows that water is essential to life. Just imagine, most of our bodies composed of water. No wonder when people without water will die faster than without food. Water used to transport minerals, vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients throughout the body. The balance of the body and water temperatures are also very dependent. Water is the lubricant of the body's tissues, while bearing joints, bones, and muscles.

Once the pivotal role played by water in the body, so that water sometimes included as a sixth nutrient after carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Water is the source of life for all creatures. Nobody will be able to live in the absence of water, and the benefits never counted again the number.

Especially for men, drinking water has several functions, among others, keep moisture in the body organs. Water also serves to keep the blood and lymph in the body has sufficient volume and viscosity. Another function is to regulate body temperature. Drinking water in sufficient quantities will encourage wasting a lot of poisons or toxins in the body through sweat, urine or urine, and breathing. Not to mention the presence of blood which 95 percent consists of water, as carrier of nutrients is essential for the body's cells do not starve. Who suffer from hunger due to brain glucose and oxygen supply disruption causes a feeling sluggish, tired, and even possibly cause a stroke (usually due to blockage of blood vessels).

"About 80 percent of the human body consists of water. Among the organs of the human body, blood and brain is the most high water content, respectively 95 percent and 90 percent, "said Food Science and Nutrition Department of Community Nutrition and Family Resources, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ali Ms. Khomsan.

Many people think that we need to consume water only when thirsty. In fact, when actually the body's thirst appears already very short of water. So, get used to drink before you come thirsty.

"Consuming enough water can improve the function of hormones, improve the liver's ability to break down and remove fat and reduce hunger," explained the professor who took his PhD in Home Economics Education Iowa State University, USA in 1991.

When the body remove fluid, and then the brain to detect it as a state of dehydration, the body will respond by saying "I thirst." Actually thirst induced cells that began a lack of water, there is even a mention when his thirst appears we've actually lost 1 percent body water.

"Given the important role of water in the body, drink enough water. In certain conditions it is recommended to drink more water, such as hot air, fever, and when suffering from gout, "the message.

Hydrogeological experts from Gajah Mada University, Dr. Ir Heru Hendrayana, said that the consumption of water for drinking should be noted also the origin of water consumed, because not all water is good for body health.

"The best source of water comes from the volcanic mountain springs. This is based on the explanation that the volcanic mountain springs meet the three conditions of ground water resources characteristics, namely quality, quantity and continuity, "he said while attending a media discussion themed" Best Water Source is Spring Mountain "which was held at the Hotel Aqua-Danone Crowne, Jakarta, recently.

Heru said, during pengalirannya, ground water through many processes that make the ground water contains various minerals and eventually have a different quality in each place. As a continuation of natural processes, ground water and then nothing appears on the surface and is referred to as spring water. In this case, the spring in the mountains is considered as a perfect source of water, both quantity and quality.

Debit mountain springs are generally large and continuous, because in this region is generally a wet area with high rainfall intensity and still has a catchment area is relatively good. Water quality earned very good, because not much influenced by various human activities that can degrade the quality of ground water. "So it is clear that the best source of water comes from mountain springs," he said.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Sari B Kusumayudha, M.Sc., hydrogeology expert at the University of National Development "Veteran" Yogyakarta, said the best water source comes from the volcanic mountain springs. This is based on the volcanic mountain spring water that meets the three conditions of ground water resources characteristics, namely quality, quantity and continuity.

Water occupies nearly two-thirds of the earth's surface area, and gives a blue color when the earth seen from space. If viewed from the side of the global water distribution, the volume of ocean water more or less 97.2%, and fresh water is only about 2.8%. Of the total fresh water on earth, 2.41% of them in the form of ice at the poles, and 0.61% in ground water. The rest is divided into surface water, water, soil moisture, and water contained in the atmosphere.

"We must maintain the quantity and quality of fresh water to meet the minimum requirements necessary to sustain our life on this earth" she said.

The quantity is influenced by rainfall, the water cycle and hydrogeological conditions of the area around water resources, while quality is influenced by natural factors (condition and composition of soil and rock) or human activities (agriculture, domestic pollution, industry, etc.); and continuity which gives a balance between consumption and replenishment.

Sari adding water cycle plays an important role to maintain water quantity and continuity. The formation of ground water from the hydrologic cycle begins in which the cloud is composed of millions of tiny drops of water, which is very light, so that these droplets can float in the air, then lifted by warm air flow from the ground and eventually can turn into rain water that falls to earth.

Water is absorbed and stored under the ground surface which is then due to the influence of gravity move vertically through the layers of soil until it reaches the saturated zone of water and finally stored in the rock layers called aquifers water carrier.

Based on constituent materials and their physical environment, there are several types of aquifer, the aquifer allufial fan (located in coastal areas, river sediment and surrounding areas), aquifer sediments (layer of peat, organic), aquifer karst (limestone mountains) and volcanic aquifer (in the area volcanic mountains), which became the best source of fresh water. Aquifer is a layer or rock formation capable of storing and passing water in significant numbers, which are able to give supplies to wells or springs.

Indonesia is the wet tropical regions with relatively high rainfall and are geologically located in the volcanic arc. Indonesia has more than a hundred active volcanoes and non geologically active where volcanoes are forming layers of rock that is very conducive to act as the aquifer.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ir. Heru Hendrayana, hydrogeological expert from the University of Gajah Mada explain ground water will then be stored in the aquifer with a depth of several meters up to hundreds of meters below the ground surface, and has a residence time (residence time) from a few days until millions of years.

During pengalirannya, ground water through many processes that make soil water mengadung variety of minerals and eventually have a different quality in each place.

As a continuation of natural processes, ground water and then nothing appears on the surface and is referred to as spring water. In this case, the spring in the mountains is considered as a perfect source of water, both quantity and quality.

Spring discharge in the mountains are generally large and persistent, because in this region is generally a wet area with high rainfall intensity and still has a catchment area is relatively good.

"The water quality achieved are very good, because not much influenced by various human activities that can degrade the quality of groundwater," he said.


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