Nikolai I. Vavilov was born into the family of a merchant in Moscow on November 25, 1887. In 1911,
having graduated from the Agricultural Institute, Vavilov continued to work at the Department of Agriculture
Proper headed by Prof. Pryanishnikov. In 1911–1912 Vavilov did practical work at the Bureau for Applied
Botany and at the Bureau of Mycology and Phytopathology of the Agricultural Scientifi c Committee. In
1913–1914, Vavilov traveled to Europe where he studied plant immunity, mostly with Prof. W. Bateson, a
co-founder of the science of genetics.
In autumn 1917 the Head of the Bureau for Applied Botany Robert. E. Regel (1867–1920) supported
the nomination of N.I. Vavilov, a young professor from the Saratov Higher Agricultural Courses,


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