Definition / Understanding Organ, Organ System, Functions And Kinds / Types of Human Body Systems

The organ is a collection of some of the network to perform certain functions in the body while the body is a combined system of organs that perform certain functions.

Various Kinds And Types of Systems in Human Body

1. Excretion system

Excretion system serves to move the products of metabolism that are not needed outside the body so the body's cells to keep his balance on the environment. Consisting of kidneys, lungs (carbon dioxide), liver (poison) and skin (sweat).

2. Respiratory System / Respiratory System

The respiratory system is a system that has a function for taking in oxygen, provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide out of the body. Consisting of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea / trachea, bronchi and lungs.

3. Digestive System

Perncernaan system is a system that serves to make the process so that food can be absorbed and used by the cells of the body's physical or chemical. Consisting of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, rectum, liver and pancreas.

4. Circulation Systems / Transport

Circulatory system or transportation system is a system that has a function to keep the body from disease, spread nutrients and oxygen throughout the body and transports substances remaining outside the body. Consisting of the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, lymph vessels (lymphatic) and lymph nodes.

5. Reproductive System

The reproductive system is a system that serves to breed. Consisting of testicular, ovarian and other genital parts.

6. Muscle System

Muscle system is the body system that has fugnsi like to tool motion, storing glycogen and determine posture. Composed of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle.

7. Nervous System / Nervous System

The nervous system is a system that has a function to receive and respond to stimuli. Consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and knots of nerve fibers.

8. Endoktrin System

Endoktrin system is a system whose function is to produce hormones that regulate body activity. Consisting of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland / putuitari, pancreas gland, sex gland, suprarenal gland, parathyroid gland and the gland is clogged.

9. Frame System

The system is a system that has a function to store mineral materials, where the formation of blood cells, where the attachment of skeletal muscles, protect the soft body and support the body. Consisting of the skull, ribs, vertebrae, shoulder bones supporting framework, the framework supporting the hip bone, bone, upper and lower body members.



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